Becoming less ignorant of Scripture: plan

Statistics abound regarding the level of ignorance regarding the Holy Bible. Even among those who profess to follow Jesus Christ, our knowledge of the Bible and what it says can be compared to karate: we know just enough to get ourselves hurt.

There is, however, a solution that is not all that complicated: read the Bible.

In When I Dont’ Desire God John Piper stresses the importance of regular Scripture intake when our Christian life seems to me more drudgery than joy. Here are some suggestions adapted from his treatment of the subject in a chapter he titles “How to Wield the Word in the Fight for Joy”:


Year-long Bible reading plans can be daunting, but our planning to read doesn’t need to be as detailed or as long-range as that. Take a look at your schedule, pick a time to read your Bible each day, and write it down so that you remember it.


Treat your selected time for Bible-reading as you would any other appointment (at least as you would any other appointment). The tyranny of the urgent is relentless, and there will always be other things vying for your time. It will seem so easy to say ‘I can always re-schedule my Bible reading appointment’, but you generally won’t.


It is generally better to schedule your reading time in the mornings. If confessions are in order, I am a night-owl, so this morning reading has been historically difficult for me. But I can also testify to the benefits of beginning my day with Scripture. You will, too.


I remember an anecdote about a mother who had little space and little time for a “prayer closet.” But everyone knew that when she knelt in the corner with her apron over her head, she was to be left alone with her Bible and her prayer. Make sure that you have a place and time to avoid interruptions. (And turn the cell phone off!).

Because we are both saved and sanctified through grace, we should not become legalistic and think that the scheduling of Bible reading itself is was benefits us with God. Instead, being intentional and deliberate about our Bible reading is a tool that helps us hear from God in the Scriptures.