Lazy Faith is Lost Faith: if it’s saving, then it’s working

The book of James tells us that lazy faith is lost faith: “faith without works is useless.”

But this doesn’t necessarily mean that the the person who has saving faith that works will be walking on water, raising the dead, or causing droughts.

Instead, faith that works does things that might be less dramatic, but no less miraculous: rejoicing despite suffering, controlling the tongue, purifying motives, avoiding prejudice, rescuing believers.

What Christians Should Expect from Government

Christians can evaluate candidates for public office by examining the platform of the party to which they belong, by researching their history of public service and voting records, or by assessing their personal character, among other things.

Sometimes those standard criteria don’t provide much help in choosing between equally good (or equally unattractive) candidates. One thing that helps is for the Christian to consider what the Bible says we should expect from government, as God’s agent.

Government Should Know Its Place

Government is not God. But the tendency of government is to take more and more god-like power for itself, and the tendency of people who do not know the true God, or who have forgotten who he is, is to give more and more god-like power to it.